Gender Parity: The Challenges Facing Women in the Banking Sector in South Africa
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Published: 13 August 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The banking sector in South Africa, although attempting to advance towards a gender equal state, remains stereotypically dominated by men and the culture within financial services is deemed typically male and that of a “boys‟ club. This study explores the role of women and the established stereotypes associated with the female gender in South African society, followed by the role of leadership and culture with reference to the stereotypes and barriers to entry in a banking organisation.
The concepts of World Café and storytelling were integrated into the research methodology through which strong themes of support, mentorship, authenticity and leadership were drawn. The research questions were posed to almost 150 women and a few men during two separate “Engaging Women” events. The conversations and stories shared during these events were recorded and the stories were then discussed and themed through the feedback sessions held with relevant leadership. The research findings indicated that there exists a conflict in women between their inner and outer environments and this conflict is amplified by the environment women find themselves in, within the bank. Although open, honest and supportive, the culture at times lends itself to be exclusive and characteristically male.
By researching how to encourage and assist women in sharing their stories and how to not sacrifice their authentic selves by surrendering to the social stereotypes and gender pressures that pre-exist in South African society, the required inclusive culture and a necessary change became apparent. Although stereotypes are embedded in society and the larger South African culture, the microcosm of culture that exists at the bank could be influenced to encourage the inclusivity of women and embrace gender parity through authentic connections and fostering of meaningful conversations and interactive leadership.
Keywords: gender dynamics; workplace; organizational culture; women.

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How to Cite
CA Olivier, KK Govender. (2019-08-13). "Gender Parity: The Challenges Facing Women in the Banking Sector in South Africa." *Volume 2*, 2, 4-17